You are probably more in charge of your financial affairs now that you are a college student than when you lived at home and primarily participated in your parents’ world. Undoubtedly, you have more discretion over where and how to spend money if your parents live far away. As you start your college career, consider the following advice to help you stay in good financial planning shape:
● Be responsible and in Charge
Sadly, it’s all too simple to put off taking care of your finances when there are so many other obstacles to overcome and adjustments to be made for college life. But you cannot start as an adult with poor financial habits, and college is a setting for you to decide to take control of your finances and be frugal. You should work out a plan with your parents to take control of your other expenses even if your parents still pay for some of your bills, such as tuition and room and board.
● Be Prepared
Create your financial organization through financial planning. To write and cash checks, use a debit card, use an ATM, make deposits, open a savings account, open a bank account, or join a credit union. Compare prices and shop around to find the best deal. Banks frequently introduce new fees for services that were previously free. Ask questions about overdraft protection, online banking, minimum balances, etc., and get responses.
● Take A Job
College requires a lot of work, yes. You have a demanding schedule of classes, term papers to complete, and a tonne of studying. Of course, you deserve free time to socialize and participate in extracurricular activities. However, you can fund a significant portion, if not all, of your discretionary income by working part-time while you are in school. Furthermore, nothing can match the sense of accomplishment you will feel from making your own money.
● Avoid Making A New Purchase
If you can locate a used textbook for a significant discount, there is no need to buy a brand-new one. If you must purchase something brand-new, keep in mind that campus prices are typically more costly than those offered by websites like Amazon. You might now be able to order e-books for a laptop or e-reader and keep the price difference between the digital and physical text. Keep in mind that if you move into a dorm room, someone else leaves. Perhaps someone on campus has a used refrigerator or coffee maker you can borrow. Recycling saves money and benefits the environment.
● Defend Yourself
When it comes to your money, be careful. Cash should not be left lying around. Be wary of friends, classmates, and anyone else who asks to borrow money or offers advice on how to spend your own. Be wary of identity theft, particularly if you bank or shop online. Consider sending financial correspondence to your parents’ house. Prepare for the unexpected by keeping some cash on hand in case of an emergency. And avoid being forced to pay fines for late library books, parking tickets, and other miscellaneous items.